Meet Holly
Holly CUmmings,LMHC
LICENSed Mental Health CouNSELOR

Holly is passionate about personal growth and improving relationships. She believes that all human connections (romantic, family, and interpersonal) are worthy of the energy it takes to make them better.
Holly has experience in community behavioral health, school-based mental health, academic coaching, and career counseling.
Working with Adolescents (age 14+):
Adolescence can be a time of significant emotional, mental, and physical change. Responses to these changes are often expressed through low self-esteem, impulsive or risk-taking behaviors, struggling peer connections, and low academic performance, to name a few. Holly is well-versed in the challenges that adolescents face throughout various stages of development; she speaks their language and provides the emotional safety and support that they need.
Working with Non-Traditional Families:
Blended and non-traditional families are increasingly more commonplace. With personal and professional experience in this arena, Holly aims for her clients to have families function through enriched, healthy communication and new experiences, rather than just “getting along.” Allow her to guide your steps for improving communication skills and overall interpersonal growth.
Couples Counseling:
Couples often times struggle with communication, feeling heard, and being clear about their needs and expectations. Counseling couples is about being fair, ensuring that both parties feel heard, and supporting both of the parties in their goals. I enjoy couples because it's fun to see both people grow in their connection with each other and with themselves.
Wedding Coaching:
Planning your wedding is hard. Managing all of the expectations AND personalities is even harder. I've been a bridesmaid to countless weddings and seen the need for a wedding coach to help the brides and grooms to manage the stressors of planning a wedding, picking who to attend, managing all of the family drama, and helping the wedding party with their speeches. Why not have a clinically trained coach support YOU on your way to "I do!"