Corporate Wellness
Employee Assistance and Work Life Balance
An Employee Assistance Program is a formal, non-disciplinary program designed to assist employees and their immediate families in a variety of issues—mental, emotional, familial, drug and alcohol abuse, etc.,— that may adversely affect both an employee’s job performance and personal life.
Assistance is provided through professional consultation, counseling, and/or referral to community resources and treatment facilities.
Wellness educational sessions provide information on specific information on specific topics, e.g., dealing with stress, conflict resolution, managing change, etc
Productivity | Improve Morale | Resolve Conflict
A 2019 study by Harvard Business Review found that employers who invest in workplace wellness programs saved on health insurance premiums, reduced absenteeism and time off for medical care, enjoyed greater productivity and improved employee morale

Corporate Wellness Services
To better serve your team pick the services to support them each month. You can add services in any month based on employee needs. Some of these are for employee support and others can be employee incentives.
Leadership Development
Soft Skills Training
Corporate Wellness Seminars
Conflict Resolution
Crisis Incident Debriefing
Medication Management
Individual Therapy
Family | Couples Therapy
Reiki Energy Healing
Massage Therapy
Restorative Yoga
Relaxation Yoga
Mindful Meditation
Personal Training
Nutritional Guidance
Posture Rewind
Career Development
Career Enhancement | Resume Writing
Unapologetic Living Seminar
LGBTQIA+ Seminar
Nourish Mind and Body Seminar
Workplace Diversity Seminar
Power of Why Seminar

EAP Service Provider
An EAP is a worksite-based program designed to assist in the identification and resolution of work-related and non-work-related issues associated with employees impaired by personal concerns including, but not limited to marital, family, alcohol, drug, emotional or other personal concerns which may adversely affect employee job performance.
Contract with Enso Behavioral Healthcare to receive diverse EAP clinicians, recovery coaches, and insight coaches to improve your companies most valuable commodity, its staff.

Wellness Sessions
No one, needs nor wants, another boring meeting where they don't get anything out of it but free food.
Isn't it time to contract with Enso to provide monthly personalized and enjoyable wellness sessions that your staff wants and will actually use?
Exude Confidence™
Joy and Freedom™
Cultivating Mindfulness
Aftermath of Regrettable Event
Stress management
Adjusting to Change
and many more
Check out our session samples below